Installation ------------ * First, be sure to download, compile and install Assimp, from the official page: You'll need Cmake, and Microsoft Visual Studio for Windows or Gcc for Linux and Mac (optionally, Mingw-w64). * Second, install `Numpy `_ with:: pip install numpy * Third, download the zip package from If you placed the headers and libraries in the dafault locations, extract the file and run:: python build_ext If setup can't find the headers or you placed them somewhere else, run:: python build_ext -I'path/to/assimp/headers' -L'path/to/library/' .. attention:: If you get an error saying: .. error:: Cannot open include file: 'types.h': Be sure that the path to headers ends with '\\assimp' Cython is only necessary to rebuild the .cpp files, which you can do with:: python build_ext --force Finally, run:: python install To install the package. Check ****** for a simple example or read :doc:`/usage`.